
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bloom Day in My Window

No blooms outside today, but in my window there is beauty.

This geranium has been blooming her heart out since January's GBBD in my office window. This week a few snapdragons joined the show with more in bud. Their bright blooms bring joy to my soul.

Doesn't every gardener yearn to have blooms 
somewhere within her sight to feel that all is right in the world? 

I do.

So glad I brought this pot in last Fall... 
perhaps by next GBBD it will be outside in the sunshine 
with all the other Spring blooms.

A girl can dream, can't she?

Be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams Garden for more Garden Bloggers Bloom Day posts.


  1. Hi,

    Glad to hear your Pelagonium is still flowering and that you have buds appearing on the snapdragons :D

  2. gorgeous blooms....we can dream...

  3. Such a lovely display of your bright and beautiful geraniums. Looking forward to next GBBD post from your garden!

  4. What a beautiful photograph! I love it!

  5. Oh yes -I agree, I brought a couple of plants into my office a couple of weeks ago and it really does make a difference. More so for you you doesnt have plants outside the window either! I love the petals in the jug, it reminds me that I want to try hibiscus flowers in my drinking water - it imparts a lovely gentle tropical feel to plain water. .

  6. Love to say, 'Pelargonium' -- it just rolls off the tongue. Yours is so pretty. I've only seen bright red geraniums so far at the nurseries.

  7. Dreaming is good! Love the hot pink bloom. Happy Bloom Day and may it not be too long before you find blooms out in your garden!

  8. Love the pink geranium blooming away for you! I wish I had more room in our teeny house to bring in more plants for the winter; they add so much cheer, don't they?

  9. Such a beautiful geranium. I had the same one blooming last summer and took it in for the winter. It's still all green,but I'm hoping for new blooms in a few months. The color is magnificent!

  10. Donna, That's a beautiful pot of summery blooms~I've been in the Middle South for three decades and each Spring my heart still leaps at the first blooms! gail

  11. That geranium does look happy...I have minimal success with housing plants inside during the winter.

  12. And such a beautiful color! It won't be long for outside blooms. They are just beginning here.

  13. A blooming plant, even if inside a home, always brings joy to heart. :)
    But sorry, I don't understand a thing: do you grow snapdragons inside?

  14. Thank you all for your sweet comments. They brighten my day! Dona, I brought this pot in from my patio last Fall and placed it in a sunny window. It was planted with geraniums and snapdragons. The snapdragons began blooming last week.

  15. Carolyn, that was smart thinking on your part to bring your annuals indoors to help you make it through winter. I have nothing blooming in my garden so I will be planting crocus and other early spring flowers in the fall to fill in the gaps before the daffodils bloom.

  16. I know what you mean. I have to have flowers somewhere in the house-preferably in a spot that I pass frequently! Enjoy your Sunday!


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