
Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm So Longing for Verdure...

Verdure... fresh green color.

To sit in the shade on a fine day, 
and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment...
It was a sweet view—sweet to the eye and the mind.
                                                                    Jane Austen

One can only dream....
this is what's happening in my gardens at this very moment:

New Fallen Snow

Fresh Winter Whites

 and it's still coming down. 

But this is the Pinch of Green  I dream of on this cold Winter's day...

Limelight Hardy Hydrangea

And yes it grows beautifully in my Zone 5 gardens.

Limelight Hardy Hydrangea was a new addition to my gardens in the Spring of 2010. I've been dreaming about this gorgeous plant all Winter long. Follow this link to read more about why this is a must have in my gardens:

Be sure to visit Katarina in Sweden for her Blooming Friday theme A Pinch of Green


  1. Oh, I know just how you feel, we have about three feet of snow on the ground right now, too, with more predicted in the next few days. My snowblower needs an overhaul this winter! Love the Limelight hydrangea, I have some dried flower heads in the house in a vase, they were huge last summer.

    The snow can't last forever (can it?) Stay warm!

  2. Dear Carolyn, 'Verdure' -- it sounds like a vacation spot in Italy. But I will settle for an oasis of green in my garden. Lovely posting. I like your wintery poems on your other blog, too. P x

  3. The Limelight is gorgeous....hope you see some green on St. Patricks Day!!

  4. Snow makes a beautiful picture but I don't think I could live with it. Warm wishes!

  5. Oh Carolyn, I planted a limelight hydrangea last year as was beautiful even when it was so young, but I cannot WAIT to see it this year, either. :) We can wait together here in zone 5.

  6. Such beauty! Stay inside and view from the windows. I will try to send you some California sunshine, but we are expecting some cold weather this weekend, nothing like this but cold for us. I will fix a cup of hot tea and pray for sun coming your way.

  7. Beautiful hydrangea and also your peaceful garden photos. And just imagine all that is green beneath it. ;)

  8. I love that hydrangea! I'm going to have to add some to my garden this year. If this winter ever ends, that is.

    Sending green thoughts your way!

  9. From the land of white, I too wish green comes your way.

  10. I can just imagine how fun it is to sit in those patio chairs and enjoy your garden on a beautiful spring or summer day! By-the-way, I too LOVE Limelight hydrangea! Some images of them are also posted on my blog.

  11. Double WOW! for both your wintery scenes and your beautiful lime green hydrangea! Just love them!

  12. Everytime I see a shot of limelight, I am even more determined to get one into my garden this year.

    There that's my new years resolution. LOL

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  13. Great photos! Even though the snow is beautiful, I vote for the green.. I am SO ready for spring :) Thanks for sharing your dreams!

  14. What a lovely hydrangea - and what a lot of snow... Beautiful but it must be getting a little tedious by now. Hope the weather starts warming up for you soon.

  15. Your gardens look beautiful but very wintry and cold! I love the 'Limelight' Hydrangea. It's a beauty.

  16. You always have such wonderful winter photographs! I am a big Jane Austin fan so love the quote! Looking forward to seeing how your hydrangea survives the winter and comes to life this year!

  17. I know there is green somewhere under the white...melt is coming here...slow and steady...

  18. Me too, me too! Can't wait for the shades of green! Lovely photos of your Hydrangea--one of my favorites, too!

  19. Our snow is long gone, but I'm still longing for green because the world is brown, brown, brown! But it's warm and rainy for a few days, and I see my bulbs poking up so all is not lost.

  20. Oh dear, you've certainly got a lot of snow... But hold on - you'll soon see your pretty hydrangea again!


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