
Saturday, January 15, 2011

GBBD... Bloomin' in Winter

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2011...

Not much blooming in my gardens in January...

we're still sleeping under a frozen tundra with deep freeze temps.

The view from my office window...
not a bloom in sight.

Oh, but the view in my office window is a blooming delight! 
A stark contrast from the snowy scene below.

A rescued geranium brought in from the garden 
after the first freeze in early November. 
Stems trimmed way back, 
and set in the window to soak up the sunshine.

Catching a few rays...

and bloomin' like crazy.

And giving me hope that Spring is just a few months away. 

Just livin' the good life.

Would you believe this is the same geranium that provided a home for the caterpillar that turned red last Fall. Three more little guys hatched after I brought the plant indoors.  They stayed green.

Be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams Garden. She is the lovely host of GBBD.


  1. Although the scene outside is so cold and monotonous, I still like it with your garden bench looking so lonely out there. But inside, your geraniums make it so warm and inviting!

  2. Your geraniums are indeed looking healthy and happy. I like the rounded leaves.

  3. Your geranium is one lucky little fellow. I like that he is the one with the caterpillar story too. I remember it well. I was sure I would see lots of snow for GBBD in Utah, but you had your pretty little geranium to show.

  4. We are under a complete snow cover and expecting more today, and I have no flowering houseplants so no GBBD for me. I can enjoy all the Southern Hemisphere participants and yours too.

  5. The view from your office is so peaceful - what a beautiful place to write. Interesting about your caterpillars staying green...nature is so amazing! Happy Bloom Day!

  6. This is funny... I rescued the very same geranium from my garden! I just loved that hot pink color...

    Happy Bloom Day!

  7. Oh, I do love those geraniums! Happy Bloom Day.

  8. aloha,

    the geraniums look so lush and happy by the window - that color is intense.

    have a great weekend

  9. That geranium is so bright and cheery next to your window....certainly something to lift the spirits...but wow! what a view you have from your window. So peaceful and serene.

  10. Now that's how to get through the stark winter, by keeping your plants blooming indoors. I have a common geranium living in my kitchen too, but it's finally out of bloom. But my begonia is still blooming it's head off, better than it did outdoors!

  11. What a colour contrast! That cerise pink looks lovely against that snowy backdrop outside.

    I'm due to do a GBBD in a day or so once the snow and ice has melted enough for me to safely venture out into the borders again.

  12. That is a beautiful geranium -- I love that brilliant shade of pink!

  13. Beautiful geraniums. I love your garden bench too.

  14. Aren't geraniums wonderful the way they give us beauty summer and winter?
    Your plant is blooming beautifully and such a gorgeous shade of pink. Looks like it's the perfect spot for keeping it happy and healthy.
    Our outdoors looks just like yours at the moment. Beautiful but cold!

  15. What beautiful color!
    I was just thinking the other day as I looked at my yard on the way into the house: "Everything is so ugly and dead right now!" But I thought of the way you've captured your "dead" winter plants and how beautiful and intricate you make them appear. Quite a talent, Mom!

  16. Thank you, KellyAnne. I'm learning that beauty can be found anywhere, we just need to train our eyes to see it.

  17. Merdehuit,
    You have inspired me to bring something in from my garden next winter. I have never been much of an indoor plant girl, but I bet having that geranium inside soothes your soul. Beautiful photos as usual!!


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