Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Neighbors!

What a delight 
to see our
"Guest House" 
occupied this morning. 

Our new little neighbor is singing 
his heart out, 
hoping to entice a fair maiden to join him 
in his lovely new home.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Garden of Stones

I walked along the edge of the Puget Sound yesterday with my grandchildren. The sand was dotted with gardens of smooth stones, just waiting to be picked. Can there be such a thing as a garden of stones? Oh, yes! For me there can be, for my love affair with stones is nearly as strong as my love for all things flora. The colors of this garden were equally inviting... shades of creams and glistening white, ebony, jade and burgundy. Carefully I picked my "keepers" as I walked along with my grandchildren until I had collected a handful of delightful reminders of my walk on this soothing beach, beach that begs me to stay. But alas today I must leave and return to my home far away, leaving behind my beloved little ones, and the beautiful gardens of stones. I must come visit again!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Forward Spring!

Rain with possible snow again today.  
Old Man Winter longs to linger
as Spring patiently awaits for Winter to admit defeat.

Yesterday began with snow, enough to stick for an hour or two
(see yesterday's post picture),
but the old guy couldn't withstand the youth of Spring
and the afternoon was lovely.

I used this dose of sunshine wisely and finished my Spring Clean-up. 
Every bush is pruned, every flower bed is free from the leaves and debris of Winter 
and my Perennial Garden stands ready to do her thing,
unencumbered by dead branches of the past.
I've done my part to welcome the new Season, now it's up to her: 
Spring forward Spring!
A tender peony patiently waiting for sunshine

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Celebration

In Celebration of Earth Day
Mother Nature is proclaiming
she is in charge.

Our role is to care for this beautiful world
and leave it better than we found it.
Are we doing our part?

"The promise of Spring
is there
beneath this blanket
of snow.
Be patient
tender blossom.
Have hope waiting
bud to bloom.
For Winter's cold breath
will soon fade
and the Dance of Spring
will resume."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Set your Forsythia Free!


If you were to ask me what my favorite plant is, it would not be a Forsythia. I have never really liked Forsythia's.  Until maybe now.  This picture is from the garden of one of my sweet neighbors. What is it about these Forsythia that seem to be teasing me into finding place in my garden for a forsythia or two?

These Forsythia are quite different from the bursts of yellow I see everywhere this time of year. These Forsythia are not pruned to death into unnatural globes with their flowers constrained to bloom in a single layer around their circumference. Nor have these Forsythia been neglected for many years and allowed to grow into a massive bush with sparse branches of yellow flowers on the outside of a deep mass of dead.

These Forsythia are vibrant and vigorus! Thoughtfully planted in a space where they could fill the measure of their creation, their graceful branches reach heavenward unencumbered by crowding plants and structures around them. They  delight in their very creation inspiring all who view them to do the same... what more could a gardener hope for?  These Forsythia are blessed with a gardener who understands the secret desires of a Forsythia bush and is allowing them to be all that it can be... free and beautiful! 

I'm thinking I may need to plant a Forsythia or two.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Black Gold

This was meant to be Saturday's Post, but as you can see, we spent the day working. We finally had some lovely Spring days, and to think that it snowed on Tuesday.

On Friday, we had 15 yards of compost dumped on our driveway and yesterday, we woke up with the sun to spread it in our gardens. We call it Black Gold because of the many benefits it brings to our gardens. The obvious benefit is the deep brown color it adds to our planting areas, like frosting on a cake it makes our landscape more beautiful.  The greater benefit is the nutrients it adds to our soil and that makes our plants happy. It also helps to keep the weeds at bay, especially if you sprinkle PREEN over the surface when you are done spreading.

If you live in Utah County, and you'd like to know our source for this amazing Black Gold, send me a note through the "Have a Question?" link on the left.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

WANTED: Ideas for Re-Design

No use whining about the weather, 
I've got some gardening to do!   

This Grandmother's Garden has a small space that needs a new design. It's the long narrow strip of garden just below the patio that's surrounded by lawn and separates two levels of our landscape. The picture shows this area from last summer.  

The current residents of this space include two seedling blue spruce trees that my youngest daughter brought home from school from an Arbor Day Celebration five years ago. They have grown from a single stem or branch to nearly two feet.  Their potential growth is 100 feet, so they can't stay.  The area is also covered with a New Zealand groundcover with sweet little blue flowers in the Spring and beautiful heart shaped leaves throughout the summer.  This also needs to go as it is quite invasive.  The picture also shows annual pink and white vinca's that have died from the winter freeze. 

I've actually been thinking about this spot all winter long.  I'd like to further define the adjacent  patio area by planting this strip with some type of shrub or bushes that would lend an air of privacy to our very large and open landscape.  We love the open feeling but feel that a little more height in this spot would further enhance the area. Today I am going to spend some time with my gardening books to come up with a plan.  I would like a mixture of  evergreen shrubs and flowering deciduous bushes to give year long appeal. The ideal height will be three to four feet.  So, what to do?  I would love your ideas!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We Need a Little Sunshine Here

"No Winter lasts forever, no Spring skips its turn, for April is a promise that May is bound to keep."
Doubt is creeping into my mind regarding that phrase, 
as it's snowing in my garden... again.  
My perennial garden longs for loving attention
and how I long to give it some. 
The Tulips and Iris are braving the cold, 
the Lupines and Delphiniums are bravely peaking up from the soil 
and all else lies in waiting... 
waiting for the warmth of the sun to motivate them into existence.
We need a little sunshine here.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Time to Prune the Roses

When you see the forsythia blooming, it's time to prune your rose bushes. If you don't have forsythia, then watch for when the leaf buds begin to swell on your rose bushes, that will indicate it's time to prune. Pruning is an essential step to assuring your rose blooms will be abundant and beautiful. Watch for future posts to this blog for more tips for creating and maintaining a beautiful Rose Garden.

Follow this link to learn how to prune roses:
Basic Pruning Techniques for Roses

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Speaking of Beautiful Lawns...

It's time to fertilize! Always put the first fertilizer of the season down the week of Easter. The holiday serves as a great reminder that it's time to feed the lawn. If crab grass is a problem you may want to put down a pre-emergent as well. Be sure to zap any dandelions at first glance. One little parachute will spread up to 400 seeds giving you 400 wishes that you didn't let that pretty little yellow flower bloom in your lawn.

Stay tuned for another post that will give the fertilizing schedule for the year.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

To Sod or Seed? That is the question.

And here is my answer:
Always seed if given the choice and by that I mean Hydro-Seed. Hydro-seed contains a perfect mixture of seeds, mulch and fertilizer. This Grandmother's Garden used a seed blend that included several varieties of seeds that greens our lawn up in the early Spring and keeps it green throughout the Fall. It is heaven to walk on, especially barefoot. The advantage of Hydro-seed over sod is quality, appearance and cost. Sod does hold the time advantage so if your in a hurry, lay sod, but if you want your lawn to look amazing, feel heavenly and cost much less, HYDRO-SEED!

Here's a couple of links you may enjoy:

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Have Finally Found Spring!

I took a walk on this beautiful Easter Sunday with my little grandchildren in a beautiful town off the coast of Seattle... my two week old grandson snuggled softly in my arms. Tulips, Bluebells and Daffodils are blooming and every tree and bush are leafing and stretching their branches high toward the heavens. It is as if all of nature is exclaiming "He is Risen!"

I have finally found Spring, it is here in the San Juan Islands with the green grass, rhododendrons and azaleas! Oh how I wish she finds her way to my home soon... it was snowing when we left.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New URL for my blog

 The URL for this blog is now