
Friday, December 17, 2010

Tis the 5th Day of Christmas

my wish for you this day...

Let Your Light So Shine

It's the last weekend before Christmas for shopping... 
so much to do, so much to do.

The lines will be long 
and some people are bound to be grumpy grumpy.

Some people 
are just too busy busy.

And sometimes... and sometimes people are not very nice.
Sometimes people forget...

Listen to the voice of this sweet little angel 
as she explains the situation in her own words.
She reminds us of the real meaning of Christmas:

May we all 


the reason for this season

(and maybe be a littler nicer.)


  1. I'm so happy I stopped to visit your blog this morning. That was just what I needed, thank you!


  2. What a beautiful image. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Hi, i was thinking that the good thing about making presents for everybody is that you do not have to join any shopping lines which is a blessing...hope you have a lovely Christmas and that all goes well for you and your family...

  4. What a beautiful post - Thank you for making me stop and think...

  5. Thank you for this. I think we all need to be reminded every once in a while.

  6. Thank you for letting your light shine and helping us turn our focus on the reason we celebrate. Beautiful telling of the story! Have a Blessed Christmas!


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