
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tis the 3rd Day of Christmas

and I've another wish for you...

Soft and Still...

Christmas is much like a grand Symphony in our large family and I am always the conductor.  In preparation for the grand performance on Christmas morning, the perfect live tree must be found and decorated, halls must be decked with boughs of holly, shopping lists made and checked off twice, stockings hung and filled with treats to delight, delicious food must be ready to serve, and oh, I'm also the one who's job it is to make those visions of sugar plums become reality. 

So many to care for, so much to do... and it all must be done before Christmas morning when the grand Symphony is performed, ready or not. 

In all your busy-ness this holiday season, set aside time for yourself. Find a quiet place, put your feet up and listen to the silence. I'm talking still soft silence of a winters morning. Your sense of peace and happiness will be the key note of the grand performance on Christmas morning. Enjoy the Symphony!

This is my wish for each of you.


  1. Thank you for your sincere wish. I hope the same for you and yours. Peace be with you all.

    Lovely snow photo. Much grander than mine in the Falls. We have gotten snow, but much of it keeps melting, then returning, then melting. I love Utah for mountains and snow.

  2. I wish you receive the wish that you wished for others. Still, soft silence... that's nice but not Winter. If there is Winter here, then the earth must have gone haywire. :)

  3. what a lovely wish...and how like gardener minds think blog post was also on silence this past the snow brings on that wonderful, blissful soft silence!!

  4. I can almost hear the silence in your photos! How beautiful those snow-smothered evergreens are! Sounds like you are a wonderful conductor.

  5. Meredehuit, its the same for me, have to be the one to orchestrate everything from cleaning, decorating and of course cooking! But after all that, very tired but worth the trouble when you see your family enjoy coming together to celebrate it year after year! Then later I prefer the silence and the tranquality...

  6. Hello,
    I've never thought of Christmas this way. It seems that the women are always the ones who keep things much like the conductor of a symphony. I'll think of myself this way from now on.
    Thankyou for visiting my blog today and taking the time to leave a comment. Merry Christmas..Balisha

  7. What a beautiful sentiment - thank you. I grew up with snow and do miss that silence that blankets an area just covered with fresh's magical. Peace be with you also.

  8. What a great wish! And now I feel like I've been giving the permission to TAKE that moment of silence! Thank you!


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