
Friday, October 29, 2010

There are Ghosts in My Garden

Who Dares to Enter My Gardens 
The Hallowed Eve?

Do You Dare?

When the moon is full,
and the wind has a chill...
A walk in my garden
would be such a thrill!

The Blooms and the Goblins,
can be quite a sight...

Not to mention those creatures
that go bump in the night.

  This Witch kindly tends 
these gardens through the year...
but on the Hallowed Eve
she's one to be feared.

 (Gaze into her lovely eyes,
and you might recognize me in her enchanting disguise.)

Kiss this rose for safe passage
then click your heels twice...
 Don't mind that black spider
He can be rather nice.


Tread lightly as you walk
so as not to disturb,
There are ghosts you can't see
though their cries may be heard.

Shhhh.... don't awaken the dead blossoms... 
they do become quite wicked when provoked.

Don't touch the flowers 
with a blue glow...
 They'll cause a nasty itch,
they're poisonous you know.

♦ ♦ ♦

You've made it this far 
do you wish to turn back?
 It only gets spookier
if you can imagine that!

 Beware the Purple Magic seed-head Jackmanii.
  It may cast a  spell upon you.
Delirious Dahlias lost their silly minds 
after bloomin' like crazy all Summer long.

Zinnias Profusion stood the test of time.
Neither bugs nor slugs could destroy them completely.

Beautiful... even in death.

One poison petal... will make a good potion.


Getting too chummy with that amorous Jack Frost
proved these little bud's demise.

Food for the crows.

All done blooming, now it is dead.

Petals with bewitching holes.
The grasshoppers now in the Witches stew.

Hauntingly alluring!

The end of the Rose.

Shadows of a thousand years
rise up again unseen,
Voices whisper in my trees, 
“It will soon be Halloween!”

Happy Haunting!


  1. Not scared but perfectly enchanted by the washed out colours of the twilight world. Very imaginitive :)


  2. "Hauntingly alluring" -- perfect description for all those photos of dying blooms. You made them look beautiful and spooky at the same time.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Halloween in the States must be very nice! (But within the last years little monsters have started to haunt their neighbors in Sweden as well!)

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. What a fun little Halloween poem to get us in a haunted mood for this weekend! That is a frightful door decoration, indeed!

  5. What wonderful pictures and so much fun with the poem.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Great job mom :) Very creative!

  7. A very lovely post! they are truly ghosts.

  8. Your grayish pictures of plants are haunting.
    Sure you'll have fun this weekend.

  9. LOVE this!!!!! One of my favorite posts of yours!
    Especially the delirious dahlias and, the end of the ROSE.
    LOVE it!

  10. Isnt it trilling? To see the plants dying...

  11. Delightfully scary! So appreciate the time that went into creating ... a job well done. Happy Halloween :)

  12. Oh, where to begin raving? I loved this post, and can only venture a guess as to how much work went into creating it! The flowers in all their dying glory, everything is perfect for the Halloween theme.

    Happy Halloween!

  13. Decay never looked so beautiful! Stunning imagery. I am smitten for sure, and will visit often. Thank you!

  14. I liked your effects on the photos, so fitting for the words. I thought the poem was written by you until I got to the end. It sounded almost personal, and your writing always so beautiful and meaningful. You did a great job fitting the the hauntingly, brown foliage to the poem. Your door wreath decor is not so much scary as lovely.

  15. I'm thrilled that so many enjoyed this post. It was certainly a labor of love... and I learned many things along the way! The first two pictures are actually photographs of a couple of my front porch decorations... gotta love what photoshop can do! I've spent weeks capturing pictures of my dying flowers, and enjoyed every minute. Who knew taking pics of dead blooms could be so much fun! Again, photoshop can make even the dead look magical. As for the poem, Donna, my muse escaped the dark chambers and flowed freely... the poetry is all my own, with the exception of the four lines marked as unknown. Thanks for all your comments, I know I've done well when my family leaves comments and this post caught three of you! Thank you!

  16. The dried flowers are great! You are very creative!

  17. What a fun post and you did a beautiful job photo editing these. They look positively spooky! I enjoyed the poem as well - very creative.


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Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!