
Friday, September 17, 2010

Morning Whispers...

The morning view from my garden porch whispers...

"The season's a changing."

Morning Sky

and minutes later as the sun illuminates the sky...
I can see why.

Lone Peak with First Hint of Autumn

Find the time to look around you today...
the view may inspire you!


  1. Wow, what a view! I often wonder what would possess a person to live where Jack Frost nips. I guess there's the answer. To sit on your porch and see such a sight! Amazing!

  2. Really fantastic views! The skies and landscape are breathtaking!!

  3. Really fantastic views! The skies and landscape are breathtaking!!

  4. I've been seeing red on the mountains, and had to go hiking today. It's so beautiful out in the mountains, and I got way excited for fall.

  5. The view is spectacular. I loved Utah, one of the prettiest states in the union. During all the seasons besides just summer. The colors of the sky and earth were unmatched.

  6. Love that changing sky. We've been seeing clouds too. Cold fronts are headed our way and not a moment too soon.


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