
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dancin' in the Summer Sun!

The endless days of Summer 
will soon fade into Fall...
but oh...
what a glorious Summer it has been 
This Grandmother's Garden!

 Every flower is a window opening into heaven, 
a mirror reflecting the Creator.
                                          - John Muir

Come stroll down my garden path with me...

and together we'll see the kaleidoscope of colors 
that still dance in the waning Summer's sun!

Earth laughs in flowers.
                  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Delphiniums are a Spring favorite,
but this year they have danced from Spring to Summer
and will still be dancing long into Fall...
until Old Man Winter's frost visits our gardens!

The Black-eyed Susan's were welcome guests this year. 
They surely came from dormant seeds sprouting in the soil from several summers past
when they filled my gardens borders. How they stole the show!
Lovely as they were then, I pulled them to allow other blossoms to thrive.
They may stay for another season as long as they keep their place.
I do love Black-eyed Susans!

Indulge me as a sweet memory fills my mind:

A tall, handsome and very sweet young man stood at my door step many years ago holding a bouquet of Black-eyed Susan's in his hands.  My heart smiled as I realized he had visited the house down the street. The house was overgrown with Black-eyed Susans, the blossoms filled the yard where grass once was.  It was said that a little old woman lived there but one rarely saw her and rumors abounded about who she was. Many thought she might be a witch who lived there all alone and if you dared to step in her gardens, she would cast a spell upon you.  She was a rather cautious old soul, no doubt because of the silly pranks neighbors would pull, ringing her doorbell and running away in an effort to make her come out of her house. At least these were the rumors that flew. 

I happened to love her flowers and would walk slowly past her house each morning on my way to campus. Sometimes I would see her peeking out at me from behind the curtains, her long beautiful gray hair falling down around her nightgown. I wondered who she was and why she never came out into her garden. As I saw her watching me I would always smile hoping to catch her eyes. 

Now here stood this young man before me, on my porch, flowers in hand and a tender smile on his lips as he offered the bouquet to me. I quickly expressed my concern that he had stepped into her yard and picked them without asking... not so much with worry that a spell might be cast upon him, as concern that he had stolen this little woman's flowers, a little woman I had grown quite fond of.  He quickly assured me that he had knocked on her door and politely asked the little woman  if he could pick a bouquet of flowers for his Sweetheart.  My heart instantly melted.  Though we had only been dating for a short time, I knew in my heart that such kindness would be mine forever!  That sweet "young" man has been my husband for over 35 years... and going on forever!   

The little old woman, she soon became my friend and often as I walked past her house, there she would be, sweeping her porch and waiting to greet me with a smile.

Yes, the Black-eyed Susans can stay in my garden.

Anything blue always catches my eye,
but Lobelia will forever hold place in my gardens and in my heart!

Always a favorite in This Grandmother's Garden...

and Profusion Zinnias are the perfect size for my colorful summer pots.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
                                       - Aristotle

My 'So Dear to My Heart' Rose Garden has brought smiles 
and sweet memories of my many children,
now mostly grown, and some so far away.
What joy a walk down this garden path brings!
Every rose is budding and blooming again with delight...
now that the weather has turned cooler.

Flowers always make people happier, 
they are sunshine to the soul.
                                - Luther Burbank

Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.
                                - Theodore Roethke

Apple Blossom Knockout Rose,
a sweet pink for dark corners.

Beloved Geranium, every year a new variety to choose.

All gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so.
                         - Joseph Joubert

My soul rejoices as I garden. 
I feel the warmth of the sun, 
 see the beauty of the blossoms and trees 
and delight in the sweet song of the birds.

Emerson's words could well be my own:
 When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows 
and look out upon the beautiful world, 
I thank God I am alive.
                                - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'm feeling that gratitude on this glorious Summer day.
There is sunshine in my soul, 
and my feet are dancin' in the Summer sun! 

Summer will soon come to an end 
but Autumn joy is just a hop, skip and a jump away!

The Amen of Nature is always a flower.
                        - Oliver Wendell Holmes

My sweet daisies are re-blooming!


  1. Ahhh, beautiful thoughts and such sweet stories! I love the flowers of your grandmother's garden! I've never seen that 'Apple Blossom' down in my neck of the woods. Very pretty.

  2. Loved that first rose photo and then it just continued on and on with even more lovely words and photos! I can never chose just one favourite in your posts!

  3. Meredehuit what a charming piece of writing - loved it!

  4. Such lovely quotes and touching words. You do have a way with words that can really speak to the reader. You garden tour has such gorgeous color and blooms. I would love to see it in person.

  5. Meredehuit, you are an incredibly fortunate lady - not only because you have a beautiful garden and a wonderful husband but but also because you obviously appreciate and nurture them both.

  6. Ooo now I love Black-eyed Susans too... no wonder you chose him!
    Those zinnias are beautiful!!! And Mom I LOVE that you end with that darling daisy, which somehow has become a favorite of mine too. But no FAIR that yours are blooming again! Wish mine were!

  7. Such sweet comments, you lift my spirit, thank you for your kind words.
    Floridagirl, I'm sure this rose will grow in your garden. Doesn't everything grow in Florida?

    Africanaussie, you make me smile, thnaks for being a sweet friend.

    Catherine, so glad you enjoy my writing! I need to do more.

    Donna, you are always welcome to visit my gardens, NY isn't so far away... ok, maybe it is.

    Missy, I do feel very blessed, but truth be told, they both nurture me!

    My KellyAnne, Just wish a little harder, you are proof that wishes come true!

  8. Your garden/photos, glorious, and the touching story made all even more grand. Happy Autumn :)

  9. Meredehuit the flowers were a delight to scroll down through along with those great words. I really enjoyed reading about your dear neighbour down the road from all those years ago and how having those susans in your garden will always remind you of her. Congratulations on 35 years of marriage too.

  10. Tx for your info. Have borrowed the Creative Commons link and logo from your blog. Might you share your blogging tools with us. I like your rotating world of visitors too.

  11. It's odd to see delphinium and black-eyed susan together, but I really like it. Also like your story.

  12. Joey, thank you. The story came to mind just as I was about to publish... wrote it down for myself and decided to include it in the post.

    Rosie, so glad you enjoyed it!

    Diana, you're welcome to anything helpful.

    Kelly, That little spurt of Black-eyed Susan chose to sprout there. I didn't notice until she bloomed.

  13. Your post brought tears to my eyes, such a sweet remembrance. I am so glad you found the love of your life and became friends with the little old gardener, I am sure you enriched her days immensely as gardens are meant to be shared. Thank you for sharing your garden and your memories.

  14. Such a sweet post!
    thank you for sharing your thoughts
    also your verbena looks great.

  15. Such a sweet story. Looking at your verbena pictures, make me rethink my decision not to buy verbena when I was in nursery this morning buying pea straw mulch.

  16. Happy anniversary! What a wonderful story! Your flowers are so beautiful! Do bees and butterflies visit the profusion zinnias in the pots?

    Thanks for your comment on my CC post today. We have our grandson almost every Saturday. He is taking a nap right now. He's such a sweetie!


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!