
Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm As Giddy As Can Be!

Last Spring I posted:  

Today I'm here to tell ya...

It's TRUE love! 

Limelight Hardy Hydrangea 

and I'm as giddy as can be!

It's lovin' my garden...

Now I've got to go find me another one.


  1. I am going to have to get some of those. A lady down the street purchased I think five or six of them and planted them together in one sweep. Your blooms look great!

  2. I love this hydrangea too, and this year, with our record-breaking rainfall, it has flower heads the size of basketballs...unbelievable! I plan to plant more of them, too! Love your garden ornamentation, very pretty.

  3. On my trip to NYC I just fell in love with this hydrangea. It looks very happy in your garden, beautiful huge blooms.

  4. Oh, it is just so beautiful. I absolutely love the different types of hydrangea. Now, if only they would grow where I live ;-)

  5. Aren't they simply amazing?? I have a Limelight too and I absolutely love it. I forgot to prune it back this spring and it has gotten a bit over grown this season. My other favorite H. paniculata is Pinky Winky - I like the more upright branches on it and the multi-colored flowers. I'm on the look out for a Quickfire now...can't have too many paniculatas!


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