
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Walk Through God's Garden

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
 The winds will blow their freshness into you, 
and the storms their energy, 
while cares will drop off you like falling leaves."
                           ~ John Muir

Not far from my home, 
perhaps a 45 minute drive
 up a beautiful canyon cut from an ancient glacier...

lies this majestic mountain

and at its base...

is surely one of God's most beautiful gardens.

It is early Spring here.
The snow has not yet melted from the meadows of wildflowers
we had come to see.
Indeed, we were told, three feet of snow still lies there.
And the road was closed.

We were disappointed...
but found a few beauties along the trail.

We'll be back in a few weeks,
after the sun's magical rays have warmed the earth below
and awakened the sleeping blossoms.
I can hardly wait!

Backside view from the top...
is this what forever looks like?


  1. Wow! Beautiful photos! I am so jealous over here in crazy flat New Jersey! You are blessed to be only a 45 minute drive to such beauty! Thanks for sharing lucky lady :)

  2. I have pictures from hiking Timp one summer, and it is gorgeous. The wildflowers are beautiful.

  3. I walked around those same mountains many years ago with three other family members, only one of whom survives. What lovely pictures and what lovely memories you awoke.

  4. Hello,
    How beautiful it is to take the time to look at the nature. At the landscape and wildflowers.
    Thank you for the nice trip.

  5. So lovely, Carolyn. That mountain view is just breathtaking, and the wildflowers are delicate perfection.

    I'm sorry you were prevented from going as far as you want to -- but I have a feeling the anticipation will just make it all the more glorious for you by the time you get back. :)

  6. What lovely pictures! Thank you for sharing.

  7. So lovely it makes me sigh. :)

  8. Absolutely beautiful. I love the John Muir quote. I became interested in John Muir after hearing him quoted on the Ken Burns series on the National Parks.

  9. Thank you all for your sweet comments.

    Bacon Seed, There is beauty all around... that's what makes America so wonderful! I love the ocean views of New Jersey.

    Liz, this adventure wasn't at Timp, though I do get to see that beautiful mountain from my window everyday!

    Weeping Sore, Your thoughts touched my heart. It means so much that my pictures and words could lift your soul. I sorrow for your loss.

    Sweet Ellada, your comments are always enjoyed!

    Meredith, Your observation is right on! And anticipation ALWAYS makes the experience sweeter.

    Sarah and Nancy, so glad you enjoyed them!

    Ginny, that quote has been with me for many many years. It is so true!

  10. Such a beautiful view. Thanks for taking us along with you.

  11. So pretty! We make an annual trip to the mountains in northern Idaho each August to pick huckleberries. With the cold lasting so long this year, I wonder if they'll be ready for picking at the normal time. At least by August they won't be under 3 feet of snow, like your meadow!

  12. Beautiful and majestic mountains - lovely wildflowers too!

  13. Only 45 minutes away - such a gift. I'm only 16 hours away from anything that could realistically be called a mountain!

  14. You live in a beautiful part of the world, and photograph it well! Oh, I see it's a 45 minute drive. Well, that is close.

    I am in Nebraska, and we are hosting the Special Olympics. I went to see some gymnastics today, and met a couple from South Carolina. They live on an island. She mentioned they aren't on the ocean, because the insurance at those homes is too high. I asked her how far they are to it, and she said about 6 minutes. I told her compared to me, she lives on the beach.

    I love wildflowers, too.


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!