
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The STAR of My Garden... Today!

What I love most about gardening is how 
quickly my garden changes!

A walk through my gardens each morning
with camera in hand is a favorite way to start my day 
as I discover the changes each new day brings.
Something always shines brighter!

The STAR of my garden today is... 

Clematis Jackmanii

Clematis Jackmanii 
was developed by George Jackman, an Englishman.

George held 90 acres of land under cultivation 
on St. John's Hill in England. 
He specialised in raising clematis, 
breeding the well-known “clematis jackmanii”  in 1859. 

The large blooms of the Jackmanii measure up to six inches 
and cover the vine from summer through the end of autumn.

The deep royal purple color of this clematis is exquisite!

Last year I added another variety to brighten the area.
(Yes, that's still Jackmanii to the left, the morning light is amazing!)

Clematis Piilu 
(pronounced pie-loo)
Piilu means "Little Duckling"

 Clematis Piilu is a recent introduction from Estonia 
and the late plantsman/breeder Uno Kivistik and Aili Kivistik
from the former Soviet Union.

 Look closely to see the "Little Duckling" peeking out from behind Jackmanii.
My clematis bloom on iron gates...

at the entrance to a flagstone path,
bidding all to enter and enjoy.

(be sure to click on each picture to enjoy in full pleasure!)

Coming soon... 

What beautiful element to my garden 
is down this flagstone path?

 ah-h-h... another day's post!


  1. So pretty! Never heard of this flower, looks great in the yard.

  2. I really like how you have Jack trellised all by himself - such a beautiful show off!

  3. I've got jackmanii as well, and I think it's a gem. So beautiful. Piilu is also very, very pretty and I think they look great together.

  4. Dear Meredith, thank you so much for visitin my blog, but thank you also for the lovely clematis photos. As it happens, I grow 'Piilu' myself! What a great combination it is with Jackmanii. My Piilu was described when I bought it as great for a container (ie, won't get too big). I now have it in a bed but my too-big hydrangeas are shading it out.

  5. Thank you for visiting my little blog and picking my post on Blotanical. Your blog is really nice - love the Jackmanii as well - it's purple is such a great plant.

  6. Wow, the colour is amazing - so deep! It's looks beautiful climbing up the iron gate too. I've been looking for something for my clematis and now I want a gate just like yours (can you tell me where you got it????)! Your pathway is very welcoming - looking forward to more posts and a tour!

  7. You have a cool blog! I love how it's organized. Thanks so much for visiting mine!


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