
Friday, June 11, 2010

Rough Winds Do Shake the Darling Buds of May (June)

There's been a rough wind a-blowin' in my garden!

Shakespeare may have meant his Sonnet to describe the month of May 
but it very well describes our June.

The downside of living at the base of such beautiful mountains 
are the canyon winds that blow. 

We've had several nights of great winds so fierce
that I'm always surprised in the morning
that the trees aren't entirely stripped of their leaves.

This morning I walked in my gardens to assess the damage.

One tall pine ripped from it's foundation

Same tree front view

I've learned in my seven years of living here 
that the path of the wind can be very selective. 
 Some blooms can be ripped to shreds and adjacent ones left untouched.

"Parts of my flowers beds aren't a pretty sight this morning,"
said with deep sighs of sadness.
Heartbreaking for blossoms who bloom once in a season.

♦ ♦ ♦

But when the wind sweeps through the flower beds
breaking the tender stems...

I make bouquets!

 They are a bit tattered and torn
but still beautiful to me.

I spy a little guy 
bewildered from the storm!

Baby Robins are so obedient, even when bewildered.

"Momma told me not to stir or blink until she comes back."

and he didn't!
Brave little bird.


  1. What a pretty little blog. I especially liked the lesson on pruning or shaping mugho pines. I have six and have never pruned them..but now I am thinking they would benefit. It's probably a bit late to do it yet this year.

  2. The wind really did a number on your pines. Hopefully you can get them straightened back up because it is a lovely bed you have.


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