
Monday, May 3, 2010

Waiting on the World to Change

This has been quite the year in Utah for the passing of the Season. 
Winter then Spring,
Winter then Spring,
over and over again.
How much longer this pattern persists, no one really knows.
It's inevitable that Spring will eventually win over Old Man Winter. 

Today is lovely after yesterday's snow,
but a bite of cold still lingers in the air. 
The lows are still well below freezing
so no planting for me yet. (Sigh.)

I walked around my gardens this morning. 
Everything seems to be in a holding pattern
until a bit more sunshine comes to warm the earth.
Until then I'm just waiting, 
waiting on the world to change!

Utah Gardeners,
I have posted the May Gardening To Do List on the upper link bar.  
Now all we need is sunshine!


  1. Hello Meredehuit, lovely to meet a fellow writer / gardener, although I am not as passionate about it as I used to be. I think Winter makes me hibernate!

  2. Here in Nova Scotia, we've been through the same winter-spring-winter patterns, but I do believe we've finally turned the corner toward Spring. Today is very warm -- summer temps -- a welcome change from the past couple of weeks. Hopefully, it stays this way for a while!

  3. Now, I am wishing you plenty of sunshine and freshness. Happy Spring!

  4. It can't be far off now, maybe just beyond the garden fence!

  5. Hello, I hope that spring will come soon for you! Our spring was late this year, too, but I think our summer is coming right on time - this month! It feels good to be out working in the garden. I try to squeeze too much into every day I have in the garden. In a month or so, it and its gardener will both be wilting in the heat!

    Thanks for visiting my own blog. I have enjoyed reading your last few posts. I am glad you let the spider live!

  6. Thanks for visiting, Meredehuit! It's nice to find others who were once in my situation. :)


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!