
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Icicle Spring

Icicles on the path

Icicles on the trees

and on the leaves

Is this the New Spring?


  1. My goodness, I hope not! :) A cold front is supposed to move in here in Nova Scotia later today, and I hope it doesn't get THAT cold. It is beautiful, though.

  2. What wonderful pictures you have captured! I think your blog is lovely.

  3. Hi I just discovered your lovely blog. You also have pink limestone paths like I have. Then I noticed you are in Utah. I am in the Black Hills of SD. I think our growing situations are similiar. I linked here from blotanical

  4. Bonjour Meredehuit( J'adore ca), Je suis une enfant de famille de huit auusi. Ma mere elle avait huit enfants comme toi. Merci pour la visite chez mon blog. A bientot!

  5. Oh how very sad. Hope everything springs back to normal once it all melts. Is this something that happens often? Or are you having unusual weather in your part of North America too?

  6. I like the last line of your blog post. Very funny!


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