
Monday, April 26, 2010

Garden of Stones

I walked along the edge of the Puget Sound yesterday with my grandchildren. The sand was dotted with gardens of smooth stones, just waiting to be picked. Can there be such a thing as a garden of stones? Oh, yes! For me there can be, for my love affair with stones is nearly as strong as my love for all things flora. The colors of this garden were equally inviting... shades of creams and glistening white, ebony, jade and burgundy. Carefully I picked my "keepers" as I walked along with my grandchildren until I had collected a handful of delightful reminders of my walk on this soothing beach, beach that begs me to stay. But alas today I must leave and return to my home far away, leaving behind my beloved little ones, and the beautiful gardens of stones. I must come visit again!


  1. My jaw dropped open when I saw this photo. About thirty years ago, while camping on the Maine coast, I took a photograph of surf washing over stones on a Maine beach. I loved the photo so much that I had it enlarged to poster size and framed, and it hangs on the wall over my living room couch. Whenever I have visited Puget Sound or the Straits of Juan de Fuca, I have been struck by how much they remind me of Maine, and these remarkably similar stones seem to prove it. -Jean

  2. Well, we certainly have this in common! I'm a rockhound myself and dabble in lapidary. I have a small rock tumbler and really enjoy watching the patterns and colours emerge from "plain old beach stones" as they reach a polished finish.

    A Garden of Stones is a perfect description for those tidal treasures. :)

  3. I was just thinking the other day how wonderful it would be to have an area in my yard filled with beautiful stones! I guess I need to start my collection. This is very inspiring.
    PS we were all geared up to buy some rocks and created some great flower beds, etc ready for planting. We came home from Utah only to find our eaves had been infested with bees and $1600 later our landscaping egg vanished. Ho hum. Another hurdle but I will prevail this spring! I am determined. :D

  4. I have been trying to think of a way to use some of my agates in my gardens. I never can leave them behind when I find them, did you at least take the 'keepers' home with you? Do you have a way of displaying your favorite stones somewhere in your gardens?


Welcome to my gardens!
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So glad you stopped by!