
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm so-o-o ready for Spring...

Music: "Hymn of Spring"
used with permission
Visit www.jonschmidt


  1. I love the tour of our beautiful yard and garden of last summer...only to finish with the view of the garden now, pre-Spring (actually just a week or so ago). The contrast reminds that no matter the depth of Winter, Spring always comes. This garden will again be beautiful.

  2. Mom, this video is beautiful! I thought I had seen it before but watching it now it felt new. Love the pictures and the words you've added, not to mention the music. I feel like I'm there!

  3. i stumbled upon a picture of your garden on face book under pg invited anyone to take a tour of your i did..very much enjoyed the tour, so very beautiful..i myself am an avid gardener and realize all the joy and work that went into your beautiful garden. happy gardening..and i myself am very anxious to get going..:).


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So glad you stopped by!